Monday, July 21, 2008

5 things

... I'm grateful for.  I was going to write 10 things, but, well, it's 12:15am, and I should be sleeping, and also, I'm starting this blog slowly.
So, for the 5 things (we'll see if I get crazy and come up with some more):
1.  my sweet family.  They are each so precious in their own silly way, and man, I'm SO lucky they let me live here with them.
2.  being able to read.  I think about this a lot.  What if I couldn't read?  What a dark and lonely life I would lead.
3.  the foot rub my hub gave me right before he fell asleep.  I know he was too tired to do it, but he still did it without complaint.  Such a good man.
4.  a comfy bed.  Lying here now, clicking away, feels very luxurious.  What if I had to sleep under a bridge, on hard concrete?  I'm so grateful that I don't have to tonight.
5.  the chocolate covered almonds in my kitchen.  Can't wait to have a couple for breakfast!
6.  (okay, one more)  the weather.  It's not gross hot today!  It was definitely warm today, but tolerable, especially for July.  When it gets broiler hot outside, I get a tad cranky.
7.  (last one)  I'm grateful I'm now retiring for the night.  And turning out the light, snuggling next to the one I love the most, and sleeping comfortably until the cool limbs and soft caresses of my little ones wake me in the morn.
Good night, all.